The TalEction platform meets all industry standards to safeguard your data. It is all built on top of the Azure platform leveraging the world-class security put in place by the Microsoft Corporation; hosted in Datacenters in Azure West-Europe - or more precisly Germany.
On top of leveraging the Azure security framework we have applied Security by Design and added additional feautures and measures to to keep your data safe.
  • Data stored in the TalEction cloud systems are stored in Microsoft Data Centers in West-Europe (Germany) and follows local European regulations and requirements regarding protection of data privacy.
  • Network and server security is based on Microsoft Azure security.
  • Web APIs and web pages are secured with High Assurance SSL certificates that support encryption algorithms with key lengths up to 256 bits and prohibit any key lengths shorter than 128 bits.
  • Web APIs and web pages are secured with strong user, password protection and token security measures.
  • Industry-standard (symmetric and asymmetric) encryption algorithms with appropriately sized keys are used to protect sensitive Customer Information.
  • Data is encrypted both at the Database level and in the Business layer.
  • The TalEction platform undergo regular internal source code audits.
  • Data retention & Disaster recovery is designed using world-class services from the Azure platform.
  • Organizational security is designed and implemented based on best-in-class patterns.

For more information about Microsoft Azure Security,