Unlock Your Future: Are You Ready for the Jobs of Tomorrow?

In a rapidly evolving world, the future of jobs is changing faster than ever. Are you prepared to thrive in this dynamic landscape? The skills you need today are not be the same as the ones you need tomorrow.

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The Future of Jobs report by World Economic Fourm (WEF) maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change. It aims to shed light on the pandemic-related disruptions in the years after 2020, contextualized within a longer history of economic cycles and the expected outlook for technology adoption, jobs and skills in the next five years. At TalEction we use the WEF study as a back-drop to define what is needed to be Future Proof.

Key Findings


The pace of technology adoption is expected to remain unabated and may accelerate in some areas.

Automation, in tandem with the COVID-19 recession, has created a ‘double-disruption’ scenario for workers.

Although the number of jobs destroyed will be surpassed by the number of ‘jobs of tomorrow’ created, in contrast to previous years, job creation is slowing while job destruction accelerates

Skills gaps continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years.

The future of work has already arrived for a large majority of the online white-collar workforce.


Online learning and training is on the rise but looks different for those in employment and those who are unemployed.

The window of opportunity to reskill and upskill workers has become shorter in the newly constrained labour market.

Despite the current economic downturn, the large majority of employers recognize the value of human capital investment.

The Future of Jobs Report 2023

Top Skills

Greater adoption of technology will mean in-demand skills across jobs change over the next five years, and skills gaps will continue to be high.

Critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills that employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years; consistent since 2016.

But newly emerging as of the last report (2020) are skills in self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.


What we do at TalEction

At TalEction we use our research based tests and games to build your Digital Twin and then use our unique matching algoritms to see how you map up against the WEF Skills Categories - Problem Solving, Self-management and Working with people.

From an End-User Perspective, running a Coaching process involve the activities as given in below User Journey.

(1) Create a User by clicking on "Create User" below

(2) Build your Digital Twin by sign in and taking our purpose built set og Tests and Games.

(3) The system will then Map your Digital Twin against the Future Proof Skills and allow you to explore the results.

(4) Get Advice from our Digital Wizard on how to read and analyse the results.

(5) Share your results with friends and family and get advice from our Digital Wizard on how to strengthen (train) your Future Readiness.

Future Proof

See how this works in real life: Start Now.

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