Enhance Your Awareness with Our Comprehensive Library

Dive into a world of professional Tests and Games, all designed to elevate your understanding and knowledge. Level Up with Our End-to-End Assessment Platform. With our advanced Data Collectors, you can effortlessly create your Digital Twin. Experience the power of professional Tests and cutting-edge Neuroscience-based Games, all at no cost.

Data Collection

See how this works in real life: Start Now.

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Harness the Power of AI for Deep Insights. Transform your data – your Digital Twin – with our state-of-the-art, AI-driven Predictive Analytics tools. Fortify your Self-Awareness and gain unparalleled Contextual Insights.

Discover and Develop Your Talent Like Never Before. Together, we are reshaping the journey of self-discovery and talent development.

Join us on this transformative path.


All Free


Data Collectors (Tests, Games)


Tests behind AI


Years of Research

You (The Person) fuel the Digital Twins with structured job and personal data - and then TalEction will do the rest.

  The platform has advanced data Sharing Mechanisms and is a native GDPR solution - you have full controll of all the data generated on the platform and can at any point in time decide to wipe it all out.
  TalEction provides employees and job seekers with a number of differnet types of Tests ex. IQ-tests, Personality (BIG-5) tests, neuroscience based Games and wizards to build their Digital Twin (Master CV). The platform also provides employers with surveys and wizards to build their job profile (Master Job Description).

All of this is delivered on a platform that gives you you full control of how you Store, Analyze and Recycle your data; sensitive data is double encrypted
Data Collection

Why should you use Data Collection?

You have Full Access: You have unlimited access to a number of professional tests like BIG-5 (personality), Intelligence (Fluid, Crystallised), Cognitive Flexibility - take them as many times and whenever you want.

It is all Free (Gratis): There is no cost associated with taking tests, analysing the results and running basic simulations - not now, not ever.

All generated Data is Yours: You have full access and controll of all generated data on the platform - you can use, share and delete as you see fit.

The Process (How)

From an End-User Perspective, using the Data Collectors and building a Digital Twin involve the activities as given in below User Journey.

(1) Create a User by clicking on below button; free (gratis) service.

(2) Sign-In and start building your Digital Twin by using our Data Collectors like Tests, Surveys and Games.

(3) As you complete Tests, Surveys and Games Explore the Results and Insights they present.

(4) Simulate your Digital Twin to see your natural Leadership style, Team Role, Organization culture etc.

(5) Play Games and see how you results map out against WEF Industry 4.0 Skills and Executive Functioning.

Data Collectors

Do you want to see how this works in real life: Start Now.

  Create Account

Our powerful AI driven engine automatically maps between your Person Profile(s) and Job Profile(s). Data and AI gives you a factual approach to human resource management and reduces biases in decision-making. It also helps you to connect work and people to ensure an optimum utilization of human resources in the workplace.

TalEction is loaded with scientifically based surveys, wizards, tests and games (collectors) to fuel the job and person profiles.
Tests are developed according to international standards and validated by approved professionals. Games are developed and approved by The Global Neuroscience Community.

For details on chosen theories and models, please go to Scientific Papers & Research.

Or maybe you just want to Take some Specific Tests? See overview of packages below, select the one you want and click on "Start ...".

Intelligence, Full
Fluid + Crystallized

Combine Fluid and Crystallized intelligence to find your overall intelligence profile.

Start Tests

Full Profile
Personality + Fluid + Crystallized

Combine Personality with Fluid and Crystallized intelligence to find your full profile.

Start Tests


Find your scores on the Big Five (OCEAN) personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

Start Test

Intelligence, Partial

Fluid intelligence is the capacity to think logically and solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowledge.

Start Test

Intelligence, Partial

Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use skills, knowledge, and experience.

Start Test

Reasoning and Flexibility

Play and score your functional intelligence skills and discover how you rate against mental flexibility and logical reasoning.

Start Games

Cognitive Flexibility
Cognitive Flexibility

Refers to the brain's ability to transition from thinking about one concept to another. You'll discover how you rate on Cognitive Flexibility.

Start Test

Screen shots from the Data Collection & Awareness functionality of the TalEction platform.

BIG-5, OCEAN Personality Test

Cognitive Flexibility Game

BIG-5, OCEAN Personality Profile

Cognitive Flexibility Results