How to make Learning and Development a natural part of Work

The core element of learning is mindset training. Changing mind-set from fixed to growth mindset, is probably one of the most demanding processes over the next years.
Our programs train primarily cognitive, emotional and social skills. The programs consist of job-self awareness training to learn participants to better understand how a job and job context is composed and how this demands and impact individual skills. Training aimed at Industry 4.0 to master the most important skills of the future.
Mindfulness training to increase the presence of individuals and avoid procrastination of actions.
These training programs are online and self-service products and individuals can work on this at any time.

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What is Learning and Development?

This consists of four elements Awareness training, Industry 4.0 skills training, Mindfulness training (thorugh partners) and Acceptance and Commitment Training (in process of being implemented).
The overarching goal is then to change the mind-set from from fixed to growth mindset.

What do you get from Learning and Development,

  • Improve Job-self awareness among employers and employees.
  • Get a communication, knowledge platform and language to learn and develop.
  • Improve skills needed in the 4th industrial revolution.
  • Growth-mindset and motivated by meaning (intrinsic motivation).
  • Increase functional intelligence exploitation by awareness, metacognition and cultivating thoughts.
  • Be committed to do work instead of procrastinate work.

We offer cognitive flexibility training to cultivate thoughts and feelings. The training is conducted as workshops both individually and for teams.
The products and service can be trained individually or collectively. If you want the full effect of the training, TalEction recommends that you train all the products and services.

Job-self awareness training:
TalEction's Job-Self Awareness training is designed to increase employers awareness of the content of Employer Digital Twin and the Employee Digital Twin as context and, conversely, to increase employees' understanding of the content of Employee Digital Twin and the Employer Digital Twin as context. To fuel the Employee Digital Twin, Talection offer several IQ tests to measure cognitive skills, personality test and games to measure emotional and social skills and questionnaires to measure educational pattern and working experience pattern.To fuel the Employer Digital twin, we offer several questionnaires and games to measure several aspects of a job, eg culture, maturity, strategic position, team dynamics, leadership and core task patterns. The purpose of fueling up the twins is to create a shared communication platform (knowledge and language) for training and development purposes.

Industry 4.0 skills training:
TalEction offers you 15 games developed by the Global Neuroscience Community during the last 60 years. Emotional control, impulse control, flexible thinking, task initiation, organization, planning, prioritizing, self-monitoring and problem solving, are good examples of Industry 4.0 skills. These skills help individuals to create distance to one's own thoughts and feelings, which individuals can utilize to reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. Popularly, these skills constitute your "CEO". The main purpose of this training is to improve your metacognition. Metacognition is, put simply, thinking about one’s thinking. More precisely, it refers to the processes used to plan, monitor, and assess one’s understanding and performance. Metacognition includes a critical awareness of a) one’s thinking and learning and b) oneself as a thinker and learner.

Mindfulness training:
We believe that individuals have the ability to grow by training mindfulness. Human beings have the ability to think in the past and in the future. The challenge is that actions happen in the present time and that actions often fail to occur because of bad thoughts in the past or future. The mindfulness App: "Waking up", train you to maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts and feelings. It also helps you to accept difficult thoughts and feelings without judging, there's no "right" or "wrong" way to think or feel in a given moment. When you practice mindfulness, your thoughts tune into what you’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

Cognitive Flexibility Training:
Our cognitive flexibility training program focuses on cultivating thoughts and feelings, creating the foundation of values and committed actions and thereby stimulates to intrinsic motivation and growth mindset. The training program consists of 6 processes:

  • Flexible attention to the present moment. Strengthen the ability to shift and orient your attention (narrow or broad focus dependent on context).
  • Self as context. Strengthen the ability to shift perspective and connect with other people.
  • Defusion. Strengthen the ability to notice unhelpful thoughts and reduce the influence they have on what you do.
  • Acceptance. Strengthen the ability to “say yes” to and having difficult experiences in the service of what is important to you.
  • Values: Strengthen the ability to choose and formulate your values, what is important or meaningful to you.
  • Committed action: Strengthen your ability to Build patterns of behavior connected to your values.

The outcomes of the training are:

  1. Aware (1-2): Being present and connected to self and others. Intra-and interpersonal more effective. Context sensitive.
  2. Open (3-4): Reducing the impact difficult thoughts and experiences have on what you do (e.g. stress reduction).
  3. Engaged (5-6): knowing what direction you want your life to take. Increasing meaning and intrinsic motivation. Building a rich and meaningful life by taking value-based action.

What do you need to do?

Job-Self Training:
Establish a project, invite participants and let them fuel Employee Digital twin (if not already in place) and create their learning baseline. The participants must share educational pattern, working experience pattern, IQ tests (crystallized and fluent IQ) and personality-test. Share your Employer Digital Twin content with the participants and let them be aware of the job-self situation and what they need to learn in order to close the gap (always gap). To share data, employers need to fuel employer digital twin with culture, organization, leadership and task data ("To-Be" state) using questionnaires delivered by TalEction. Employees need to fuel their Employee Digital Twin to get connected. Start to play!

Industry 4.0 skill training and mindfulness training:
Let the participants train industry 4.0 skills for 10 days, 15 minutes every day using our 15 games. At the same time, let them play around with the app: ”waking up” as much as they like (10 min/daily).

Cognitive Flexibility Training:
Invite participants to Cognitive Flexibility Training (CFT). CFT is implemented over 1.5 day individual intervention and 3 half-day team interventions during 2-3 weeks as an off-line service.
After training, individuals have the opportunity to fuel the employee digital twin by retesting and then they can analyze progression, adaption and/or awareness.

To close the data-loop, let 4-6 employees give the participants feedback (eNPS) after an appropriate period.

The products should be used continuously to maintain growth.